For what it is worth, these are my rough notes of what struck me as I listened to the NIV version of the chapter (typos, errors and all ... funny National is supposed to be Nathaniel):
John 1
worth with God, word was God;
in Him life;
light shines in darkness
dark not understand
John came as a witness to the light
all might believe
John not the light, a witness, the true light
Jesus in world, world with him, but workd did not recognized, his own did not recongize/receive
children not born of natural descent, born of god
word became flesh, dwelled among us, saw his glory
gcame from father
john testifies about him
from fulness of Jesus grace we received one blessing after another
grace and truth came from Jesus
he was at God's side
John not the one, who is he? Voice of one calling in the desert
Phariseesw questioned him. Why baptize?
Baptizes with water.
John saw Jesus: Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He is the one.
Saw Spirit come down from heaven ... else would not have known
Seen and testify this is the son of God.
Two John disciples saw “Lamb of God” and followed him
Jesus said why are you following me?
Andrew one of the two who heard what John said.
Andrew found Simon and said we found Messiah.
Broguht him to Jesus.
Jesus gives him a new name, Cephas Peter
Jesus leaves for Galilea, Saw Phillip says follow me.
Phillips tells National found the one Moses wrote about in the Law
National: Can anything good from Nazareth
Jesus saw Natationaiel: Here is a true Isrealite
How do you know me?
Jesus: I saw you under the fig tree.
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