Listening to President Barack Obama's address before a joint session of Congress Tuesday conjured up thoughts of a tag line from a rent-to-own company: "Because we all deserve nice stuff."
Those companies are willing to let those who cannot afford "nice" stuff pay an arm-and-a-leg for the privilege of renting that stuff with the hopes of one day owning that stuff. So, instead of saving your money for 13 weeks to buy something, take possession of it now and pay for it 26 weeks.
I had hoped to hear a good, clear message from President Obama. Instead, what I heard was a conflicting speech.
Obama said if we do not take care of the "credit crisis" and restart lending, then the recovery would be choked off before it begins. He added that the flow of credit was the lifeblood of the economy. Without lending, people cannot afford to buy homes or cars.
His solution is to create a lending fund for new autos, college educations and small businesses.
Think about what he said: This country does not thrive or revive unless you and I go in debt.
Listen to this from Proverbs 22:7: The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender (NIV).
According to Obama, this economy in the land of the free does not move without debt, yet at the same time, we are not truly free as long as we are in debt.
I am sorry, didn't we get into this mess because of borrowing? Are we now supposed to get out of this mess by borrowing?
What is the definition of insanity? Isn't it doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
When Obama talked about the new lending fund, he received a standing ovation. With leaders like this who are willing to trade long-term financial peace for some short-term relief, we are never going to get out of this mess.
Obama promised change, and now he is delivering.
p.s. I did not hear all of his speech, but I did appreciate the fact that the President said he is going to cut some federal programs.
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