At The Daily Record, where I work as a journalist, Thursdays are affectionately known as Hop Hing Thursdays, thanks to Aunt E., aka Elizabeth Fleming. She takes orders for Hop Hing's Chinese dishes, calls them in, picks them up, delivers them to us and then we enjoy.
So, this past Thursday was like many others: L31 - General Tzu's chicken, luncheon special style. I place my order with Aunt E., pay my money and go on about my business.
Well, I get a text from Bryan Schaaf, right about the time Aunt E. is heading out to Hop Hing. Schaafy, who defected from The Daily Record for a marketing manager's position with Wooster-based Certified Angus Beef, was heading downtown to Muddy Waters and wanted to know if I was interested in having lunch.
I immediately said yes. I am a Certified Angus Beef snob. About the only time I am not eating Certified Angus Beef products is when I am at a restaurant that does not serve CAB. I like talking to the folks at CAB and learning more about different cuts of beef and how to cook them.
Bryan and I had a nice visit. Talked about CAB, his job, my job, CAB, his family, my family, CAB, Newcastle United, music, magic, mindreading, cooking, CAB and then we said our goodbyes.
As I was driving to an assignment, Bryan shoots me a text and says I should write a food blog.
Great idea. Here it is.
Disturbing that you were inspired by Bryan, but I'm excited--he tells me you're amazing in the kitchen!!